Classic Rock playlist
Classic Rock. The Road. If ever two things were destined to fuse perfectly together, these are them.
They just don’t make music like this anymore. Pity. We need songs that’ll start you up, take you home and rhythm that will rock you all night long. Glory days, baby.
Classic rock is exactly what we at Mullinax Ford crave when we’re looking to head out on the highway.
Who are we kidding? Sometimes we’ll drive the long way to the grocery store just so we can sing along to a couple more tunes. And because we’re … puts on shades … still cool.
Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen
Running from a predictable future? Toward a little adventure before adulthood sets in? When you’re sprung from cages on Highway 9, chrome wheeled, fuel injected, and steppin' out over the line… it doesn’t really matter. We were born to run.
Highway to Hell – AC/DC
There’s only one way to play this song and that’s LOUD – preferably while singing at full volume, and no it doesn’t matter if you’re off key and only know three words.
Born to be Wild – Steppenwolf
Another full-volume tune. You don’t have to ride a hog to appreciate this biker/counterculture anthem. It sounds great coming from the speakers of your Ford truck… or the family SUV.
Free Fallin’ – Tom Petty
Are you a bad boy standin’ in the shadows? Or a good girl at home with a broken heart? The slower pace and repeating lyrics are the perfect accompaniment for those smooth stretches of road.
Bad to the Bone – George Thorogood & The Destroyers
Why are all the good songs about b-b-b-b-bad boys? Every woman I meet, they all stay … ohhhh yeah. That’s why.
Livin' on a Prayer – Bon Jovi
Times are tough for Tommy and Gina, but these working-class kids have this drivin’, upbeat track to remind them that they’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love. They’ll make it, we swear.
Start Me Up – The Rolling Stones
Start it up. I want a smooth ride, she's a mean, mean machine. No, this song is not about a car. But it might be enough to make a grown man cry.
Take It Easy – The Eagles
Sing it with us: Well, I’m a-standin’ on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, such a fine sight to see. It’s a girl, my Lord… well, she’s probably not there now, and you’re the one in the Ford. Take it easy and stop by Standin’ on the Corner Park. IYKYK.
Riders on the Storm – The Doors
Dark, moody, vaguely sinister. You can almost feel the clouds building, even on a clear day. Is this song about Charles Manson? Maybe. That certainly cranks up the creep factor. It’s definitely the last song on the last Doors album with Jim Morrison, who died not long after the album was released.
Paradise City – Guns N' Roses
We’re talking hard-rocking, head-banging, cigarette-smoking, long-hair-wearing, yes-I-have-a-juvie-record quintessential rock ‘n roll here. Turn it way up. If your ears aren’t bleeding, it’s not loud enough.
Old Time Rock and Roll – Bob Seger
And finally: Call me a relic, call me what you will. Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill. No playlist is complete without this mack daddy of rock and roll. Belt it out like you mean it and feel free to dance around in your underwear (at home! Not behind the wheel!).
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